Apex 2.0.2 is being prepared for release with the anticipation of solving the traffic stops problem.
In this release we have changed some of the switch initialization settings which will are hopeful will solve or reduce the the occurrence of traffic stopping. We have also modified STP behavior so that it will respect port mapping. Previously, STP (not PVSTP) would pass out all ports, which was responsible for seeing traffic on the SFP port when not in use.
To apply the upgrade from 2.0, simply load the sys_fw file via tftp, issue the command bootimage upgrade 2 and reboot. If you are running an earlier version, like 1.3.1, you will need to transfer the images as included in the 2.0 or 2.0.1 release: Apex 2.0.1 Firmware & MIB | Apex 2.0 Firmware & MIB
You may consult the detailed instructions in the release notes and download the images below.
Attached are draft release notes & upgrade instructions.
Please note that with subsequent releases, the file-names, CRC checks and date-codes in the versions may change, so please use the latest file-name when uploading and match the date-code.
Attached below is RC 2p0r2D010312 which re-enables snmp and http functionality.
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