Apex 2.0 firmware is released and allows an Apex to link with an ApexPlus!
It also brings great enhancements to the web interface and addresses many feature requests.
FPGA version: 0014060B
OS version: 2p6r22b0D082911
FW version: 2p0r0D082911
PIC version: 217
Modem version: 40
RFM version: 28
New features and Enhancements
- Web interface improvements. Now looks and feels like Plus & Pro products. Added notes for FAQ on some settings.
- Egress rate based upon configured speed for bandwidth management/QoS implementation from internal switch-port to modem.
- Egress margin to configure the overhead to allow above the set speed for QoS. Defaults to 10, but can be increased to handle greater numbers of smaller packets or decreased for enhanced ban dwidth management.
- New messaging feature for RPS to more reliably bring ports back on after rps off.
- New SNMP OIDs for egress rate, ACM profiles, RF in/out port rate, standby status, etc.
- Apex Plus compatible speed binaries so Apex and Apex Plus may be used interchangeably for Ethernet only links.
- Route, tg_reboot & powercycle added to debug mode.
- Validate IP address fields to prevent against invalid entry.
- Syslog filtering to display only a subset of the stored data.
- IBM info added to sysinfo for easier viewing and saving of configuration.
Bug Fixes
- Config import caused ACM to not function properly.
- Web interface password can now be changed if the old one contains special characters.
- Siglevel improvements, including showing power set by ATPC.
Please review the detailed release notes and upgrade instructions attached to this thread prior to upgrading.
The attached zip file contains all the images, release notes, upgrade instructions and MIBs. Release notes and MIBs are also provided separately for your convenience.
1 comment
Known issue discovered with Apex 2.0, you cannot use speed 28/30 qam32 without a license key. This is because the throughput is now above the threshold. If you require the use of this modulation and do not have a license key enabled on your system, please do not upgrade until a patch has been released to address this issue.
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