We are providing a pre-release copy of fw 1.3.3 for Giga Plus. This firmware addresses the following issues:
- T1 voltage fix. With some IDUs the voltage on the T1 ports may have exceeded 8 volts peak-to-peak. This release will keep the voltage to 5-5.4 vpp. All speed profiles have been updated.
- Command server crash / management unresponsiveness. We have identified an issue when running with datapath set to Eth+T1 that could cause a command server crash which would make it impossible to manage the radio without a reboot. It is too early to call this 100% fixed, but our tests indicate that the problem is likely resolved.
- Using the exit command from telnet view node would cause the telnet session to end and the system would refuse future telent sessions until the radio was rebooted or telnetd was cycled off/on. Exit is not an allowed command again. To exit the system, simply close the telnet session in your application.
Due to the speed profile change, a radio running 1.3.3 will not link with a radio running an earlier version of the software.
Detailed upgrade instructions will be made available shortly. In the meantime, please follow the directions for the 1.3.2 release and substitute the filename with the new filename. You can download the new file below as well as from our ftp at: ftp://dropbox.trangosys.com/TL-GigaPlus/idu_GigaPlus_v1.3.3.tar.gz
Note: If you are running 1.3.2, you will need to use the TFTP upgrade instructions as FTP upgrade was not enabled in that release.
This release does not contain a PIC image, so you may see in the syslog that it failed processing the PIC and your PIC may show 60 (if coming from 1.3.0) or 62 (if coming from 1.3.2). Either is fine as the only difference if the improved protection against short circuits which is not needed for installed links. If you would like the pic 62, please upgrade to a version with the PIC upgrade, such as 1.3.0 PIC 62 or 1.3.2 and then upgrade to 1.3.3.
An updated copy of the firmware is attached to address exiting from telnet. In the previous pre-release the command exit would take the view-only user to debug node at which point they could reboot the radio, causing a security risk. The exit command has once again been removed as a valid function. To close the session, simply close your telnet application.
Attached is RC 1p3r3D121311.
This RC has been officially released. RTM & GA.
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