Forget config mode password?
You have to have physical access to the radio in order to reset radio to factory default. Once there, please remove fiber plate cover. Refer to user manual page no: 54 available at below link on where is it located.
After removing fiber plate cover you will notice that there are two push buttons.
1) Front push button that simply reboots the radio.
2) Back push button is for reset settings to factory default, except IP configuration.
Press and hold back push button for 4-5 seconds and it will reset all settings, except IP configuration, to default settings. Wait for 2-3 minutes to regain access via default settings.
Default IP:
Username: admin
Password: trango
Forget IP address?
Sometimes it is helpful to try default IP address (, in case no one has changed that IP to different management IP. Default username: admin password: trango
There is no easy way to reset IP configuration as you have to have physical access, along with console/serial cable to reset IP address.
You will need console cable (Trango part no: CBLDAT-3) or you can make your own. Pin outs available at below link:
Connect Serial/Console cable to Trango Apex at one end, connect laptop/computer at other end with below Serial/Console port settings.
Note: You may need to reboot the radio to see activity on console session.
Serial Port Settings:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: noneOnce radio has booted properly, you will be prompted with trango login prompt.
Login with Default username: admin password: trangoYou need to login to config mode to change configuration. Simply type "config" in view mode. hit enter, type password: trango
Reset to factory Default settings?
- Use above two methods together to reset RF configuration parameters & IP configuration to default.
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