Configuration files can be exported from a radio and imported to another similar radio running the same firmware should equipment ever need to be replaced. In some cases with basic configuration needs, it may be easier and quicker to simply reprogram the new radio with the proper speed (bandwidth and modulation) as well as the frequency. For more advanced configurations, for example with SNMP trap receivers and DSCP mappings programmed, it may make more sense to export the complete configuration.
Note: for disaster recovery applications, it may be sufficient to copy and paste the output of config view to a text file without copying the exported configuration.
To export the configuration, from the config node of the CLI execute the command config export or select the export config button on the diagnostics page of the web interface. This will create a text file accessible on the radio that can be transferred with TFTP or FTP to your computer or FTP server.
To transfer the file via TFTP, first the TFTP server must be enabled on the radio. From the system page, enable TFTP or issue tftpd on from the config node CLI. You may now use a TFTP client such as tftpd32 or the Windows TFTP client to transfer the file. From Windows command prompt, issue the following command:
C:\>tftp get export_config.txt
From a Mac or Linux OS:
# tftp
tftp> connect [radio ip address]
tftp> get export_config.txt
tftp> quit
This file could later be imported into another radio with a similar command (replace get with put):
C:\>tftp put export_config.txt
Once the file is loaded onto the radio, one will have to import the config via the button in the GUI or by using the command config import. After importing the configuration, the config is loaded into the saved configuration, but is not active. To make the config active, click execute config or issue the config execute command or reboot the radio.
To transfer the files into or out of the radio with FTP use the following commands:
(trango-config)# ftp ftp_server_ip_address your_ftp_username
Password: your_ftp_password
ftp>put export_config.txt
Put operation successful with passive mode
ftp>get export_config.txt
Get operation successful with passive mode
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