If traffic is not passing, or you are getting low speed throughput, please check status port for errors and sysinfo 4 for port settings.
If the router or switch you are connecting the radio to is in auto/auto, please disable auto neg on the Apex or IDU and then re-enable it to reset the port and make sure it shows status is on. Check with status port and sysinfo 4. If you want to hard code both sides to 100/full, that is fine as well, but please ensure you have disabled auto negotiate prior to hard coding the interface. It is also possible to hard code to 1000/full, but some equipment will not work when hard coded to 1000 Mbps and must auto-negotiate there.
Auto-Negotiation typically works perfectly fine. When problems are observed with auto negotiate enabled, it may be a cable issue or damaged port that is preventing the two devices from linking at the best possible rate. This is typically confirmed by manually setting them to the desired speed and observing that they will not link.
(.160-config)# port eth ge1 autonegotiate off Port ge1 auto negotiate: off SUCCESS (.160-config)# port eth ge1 autonegotiate on Port ge1 auto negotiate: on SUCCESS (.160-config)# status port Port: ge1 ge2 Status: on off In Octets: 206477761 0 In Ucast Pkt: 187000 0 In NUcast Pkt: 2077724 0 Out Octets: 3516183 16545216 Out Ucast Pkt: 42721 0 Out NUcast Pkt: 31 258519 CRC Errors: 0 0 Collision: 0 0 IN OUT Total Data Octets: 3651899 209076313 Total Data Pkt: 42347 2193126 Total Drop Pkt: 0 N/A Port Rate(Mbps): 0 0 Port Util(percent): 0 0 (.160-config)# (.160-config)# sysinfo 4 Port: ge1 ge2 Enable: on on Status: on off Auto Nego: on on Pause Frame: off off Duplex: full full Priority: 0 0 Speed(Mbps): 100 1000 Max Rate(Mbps): 1000 1000
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