Software Images
IDU FPGA version: 00220909
IDU OS version: 2p6r14b3D06211101
IDU FW version: 2p6r0D021712
IDU PIC version: 25
IDU Modem version: 42
ODU FW version: 27
- Disable MAC address learning on the internal switch to protect against corrupted MAC address table.
- ODU hardware ID will now show in the CLI model command. This is useful to see if a particular ODU would be compatible with GigaPlus or GigaPro which requires hardware based RSSI detection.
Known Limitations
- BER is based on CRC errors and might not reflect the accurate BER on live data. WA: Use External test equipment to measure accurate BER for testing
- Users are responsible to set the appropriate TX power level and frequency based on their licensed path and datasheet limitations per modulation.
- Web Interface supports only a single level of access (config).
- ODU Firmware upgrade: If upgrading the odu firmware on one link (both remote and local unit), make sure to issue the bootimage upgrade 5 with at least 10 second apart between the two units. There is a very low possibility that sometimes ODU image upgrade will fail in the first attempt. Re-issuing the image upgrade command the 2nd time will make it work.
- STP with vlan 1: If vlan1 is used in production and more than one connection is made from the switch to the Giga IDU or IDUs are cross connected in a repeater or east/west configuration, spanning tree protocol may report a loop exists in the network. Workaround: Use only one ge port, do not use vlan 1, disable spanning tree or use fw 2.4.2 which blocks stp bpdu’s on vlan 1.
- Strongly suggested to use the CLI instead of web or snmp to set IP addresses and related fields. If extra characters are inadvertently inserted into the input, it can cause the management portion of the radio to crash. Remote console access will be required for technical support to restore normal operation.
- IDU & ODU display may show 00 for RSSI. Software will report correct RSSI via cli, web and snmp.
Please review the detailed release notes and upgrade instructions attached to this thread prior to upgrading.
The attached zip file contains all the images, release notes and upgrade instructions. Release notes and MIBs are also provided separately for your convenience.
Release notes and .zip file updated. Release notes had referenced the wrong filename for the fpga image and the .zip file had both idu fw for 2.5.0 as well as 2.6.0. Updated versions are posted above.
Is there release notes for the 2.6.1_Patch? Haven't found them but the file is in drop box.
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