11GHz/80MHz & 6Ghz/60MHz Channel Widths


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    Scott Chester

    The specifications, throughput, etc. are all listed on the ApexPlus Datasheet.

    Assuming the new frequency is covered on the same sub-band ODU, then yes, just change the frequency and bandwidth and you're good to go. Quite often the change from a 40 MHz to 80 MHz involves changing a sub-band at which point a new ODU would be involved.

    Per FCC 11-120, Part 101.147 the new channels pairs for the wider channels are as follows:

    10,700 to 11,700 (11 GHz) 80 MHz Authorized Bandwidth
    Channel List 

    Tx Rx
    10745 11235
    10825 11315
    10905 11395
    10985 11475
    11065 11555
    11145 11635

    5,925 to 6,425 (6 GHz) 60 MHz Authorized Bandwidth
    Channel List 

    Tx Rx
    5964.97 6217.01
    6024.27 6276.31
    6083.57 6335.61
    6142.87 6394.91
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