Connector on p5055m-ext-us




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    Steven McGehee

    Whoops, sorry about that, I found the info after sending that. It's an 'RP‐SMA.'

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    Steven McGehee

    This is our first connectorized T-Link or EXT model, does the polarity now depend solely on the antenna, or do will any 5Ghz, RP-SMA antenna allow me to software-switch between H and V pol? Thanks.

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    Scott Chester

    There is a V and a H output on the unit. As long as you connect both to a dual polarity antenna, you can software switch. If you only connect one polarity, then only that one will work. Note that you should look at the labeling and make sure you connect the V RP-SMA to the V position on the dual pol antenna.

    It is not required to connect both if you have a reason for only connecting one polarity (like having two units on the same path).

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